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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Birthdays ...

Erm, happy Easter everyone! Okie, so it's that day again, Ngiap Hwee (the pronounceable name is ambiguous) finally managed to drag me down to expo. They put on a pretty good show, or at least better than what I had been expecting. That's when they went over the story of Easter as per the bible (and to think, people say they don't read books these days ...) Much like most religions a lot is still murky about this one, they all seekth the 'Holy Grail' while actually, no one really know what it even is!

Not so far away in a distant part of the world, on which some of my thought is now bent, princess celebrates her birthday, or at least I think she'd be celebrating it ... right? Anyways, birthday wishes to you. Rahil, I sent you an email about 6 days ago wishing you a happy birthday as well, a 'read receipt' would do a world of good! Since we are oscillating a few days here and there, 8 days later is Saanyas' birthday if I do correctly remember (ok fine, I remember birthdays, it's not a crime!). So birthday wishes to everyone ...

Sonu, I sent you a mail on your birthday as well, aap bhi agar reply kar detey to ... aur Shui ko to in person wish kar hi diya tha, so that wraps up most of the birthdays around this time. Another one is neigh, but I shall expound on that one in my next post.

That's all for now, back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said ...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

5:59 AM  

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